Frequently Asked Questions

Back Übank account
1. What is Customer Identification Process?
2. What is electronic Know-Your-Customer (e-KYC) process?
3. What is Video call identification (Video KYC) process?
4. What is the difference between account opened using electronic Know-Your-Customer (e-KYC) process and Video call identification (Video KYC) process?
5. I’ve successfully opened an account using electronic Know-Your-Customer (e-KYC) process; how do I request verification using Video call identification (Video KYC) process?
6. What steps do I follow to open Übank account and Übank debit card?
7. Where can I keep in touch with Übank?
8. Where can I review the Terms & Conditions of using Übank application?
9. Can I enable/disable Face ID or Touch ID used for login?
10. How can I change my password?
11. Which language can I use on the Übank app?
12. How can I change my provided information?
13. What do I do when I forgot my username?
14. What do I do when I forgot my login password?
15. How can I log out of the app?
16. What should I do when my profile is rejected?
17. When does Übank reach me by video call after I complete the registration process?
18. Is my information captured safely at Übank?
19. How can I use Übank services?