Frequently Asked Questions
After getting lending limit from Übank, you can still increase your lending limit after continuously receiving salary at least 3 months by Übank account.
Currently, Übank is just offering loan for customers who receive salary through Übank account and FE Credit customers, specifically as follows:
1. Customers receive salaries through accounts opened at Übank:
+ If you are our payroll customer and satisfy the credit check condition, your lending limit will be automatically activated for usage on Homescreen after you receive the first-month salary.
+ If you are not our payroll customer, you can fill the form, submit it on Übank app and ask your HR Department to transfer your monthly salary to Übank account. Your lending limit will be automatically activated for usage on Homescreen after you satisfy the credit check condition and receive the first-month salary.
With this lending limit, you can activate and receive the loan quickly without submitting any paperwork.
2. Customer of FE Credit:
If you are existing customer of FE Credit and have been assessed by FE Credit with good credit, Übank will automatically grant you a lending limit. You can activate this limit to receive the loan quickly without submitting any paperwork.
Using Übank account to transact your monthly installment for FE Credit Loan to VPBank account that you were provided for loan repayment following steps below:
Step 1: Open Übank app, select “Transact”
Step 2: At “FastFund Napas247”, select “Using account number”
Step 3: Input funds transfer info and click “Review”
- Bank: VPBank Headquarters
- Account number: 65227557
- Amount: [Repayment amount]
- Description: Hợp đồng số [Loan account number]
Step 4: Review transfer info and click "Confirm and transfer"